Legal Notices and Disclaimer

KLERX Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Sand­str. 33
80335 Munich

Fon: +49 89 1219165–50
Fax: +49 89 1219165–55


VAT Identification Number


Legal form und managing director

KLERX Recht­san­walts­ge­sellschaft mbH is a law office that is orga­nized as lim­it­ed lia­bil­i­ty com­pa­ny accord­ing to Ger­man com­pa­ny law (Gesellschaft mit beschränk­ter Haf­tung) with seat in Munich, Ger­many, reg­is­tered at the com­mer­cial reg­is­ter of the local court in Munich under HRB 182806.

Man­ag­ing direc­tor: Recht­san­walt Dr. Oliv­er Klerx, LL.M.

Job Titles and Responsible Bar Association

Our Attor­neys are admit­ted to the bar accord­ing to applic­a­ble Ger­man Law and are mem­ber of the respec­tive com­pe­tent local Bar Asso­ci­a­tion (Recht­san­walt­skam­mer) – see right col­umn.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Gothaer All­ge­meine Ver­sicherung AG
Gothaer Allee 1, D-50969 Köln, Ger­many

Geo­graph­i­cal area of applic­a­bil­i­ty: Mem­ber States of the Euro­pean Union and mem­bers of the Euro­pean Treaty on the Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Area.

Professional Rules and Code of Conduct

Our legal prac­tice is sub­ject of the fol­low­ing scale of legal fees and pro­fes­sion­al code of con­ducts:

BRAO – Bun­desrecht­san­walt­sor­d­nung (Ger­man Fed­er­al Lawyers’ Act)
BORA — Beruf­sor­d­nung für Recht­san­wälte (Rules of Pro­fes­sion­al Prac­tice)
FAO – Fachan­walt­sor­d­nung (Code for Accred­it­ed Spe­cial­ist Lawyers)
RVG – Recht­san­waltsvergü­tungs­ge­setz (Act on Lawyers’ Fees)
– Beruf­s­regeln der Recht­san­wälte der Europäis­chen Gemein­schaft
 (CCBE — Code of Con­duct for Euro­pean Lawyers)
– Bun­desrecht­san­walt­skam­mer (Ger­man Bar Asso­ci­a­tion)

The pro­fes­sion­al rules can be reviewed on the web­site of the Ger­man Fed­er­al Bar, www.brak.de, cat­e­go­ry »Beruf­s­recht« – in Ger­man and in Eng­lish.

Our General Terms and Conditions

Unless agreed oth­er­wise by an indi­vid­ual agree­ment, our legal ser­vices are exclu­sive­ly ren­dered sub­ject to our Gen­er­al Terms and Con­di­tions for Client Rela­tion­ship, which – among oth­ers – pro­vide for the appli­ca­tion of Ger­man law as well as place of ful­fill­ment and place of juris­dic­tion in Munich, Ger­many (region­al court/Landgericht Muenchen I).

Mediation out of court

Infor­ma­tion accord­ing to § 36 VSBG:

Respon­si­ble body for out of court arbi­tra­tion: The Schlich­tungsstelle der Recht­san­waltschaft, Neue Grün­straße 17, 10179 Berlin is the respon­si­ble body for out of court arbi­tra­tion of dis­putes aris­ing between Ger­man attor­neys and their con­sumer-clients: http://www.s-d-r.org.

KLERX Recht­san­walts­ge­sellschaft mbH has no legal oblig­a­tion and does in gen­er­al not con­sent to an out of court arbi­tra­tion at the Schlich­tungsstelle der Recht­san­waltschaft.

Euro­pean Online Dis­pute Res­o­lu­tion Plat­form
Accord­ing to the EU-Direc­tive Nr. 524/2013 regard­ing online dis­pute res­o­lu­tion in con­sumer mat­ters, con­sumers may set­tle dis­putes with entre­pre­neurs in con­nec­tion with online sale and pur­chase agree­ments or online ser­vice agree­ments out of court via an Online-Dis­pute Res­o­lu­tion Plat­form (OS-Plat­form). This Plat­form is pro­vid­ed by the EU-Com­mis­sion and is avail­able at the fol­low­ing link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. KLERX Recht­san­walts­ge­sellschaft mbH has no legal oblig­a­tion and does in gen­er­al not con­sent to an out of court arbi­tra­tion.


This site may include links to oth­er web­sites. Con­tents of these web­sites can­not be con­trolled by KLERX-legal Recht­san­waelte. KLERX-legal Recht­san­waelte is not respon­si­ble and dis­claims any lia­bil­i­ty for con­tents of any such web­sites, makes no rep­re­sen­ta­tions regard­ing any such web­sites and does not endorse or approve the infor­ma­tion, mate­r­i­al, prod­ucts or ser­vices illus­trat­ed on such sites. The link­ing is sole­ly a notice about offers by third par­ties free from any assess­ment. If we are noti­fied of any statu­to­ry vio­la­tion on linked web­site we will remove the link to such web­site imme­di­ate­ly.

The involve­ment of our Web­site by fram­ing is sub­ject to pri­or writ­ten con­sent of Dr. Oliv­er Klerx. The same applies to deep and img links. Dr. Oliv­er Klerx reserves the right to revoke such con­sent in his free dis­cre­tion and at any time with effect for the future.

Lim­i­ta­tion of Lia­bil­i­ty
Con­tents of this web­site shall be a pub­lic resource of gen­er­al infor­ma­tion. They are not promised or guar­an­teed to be cor­rect, com­plete and up-dat­ed. This web­site is not intend­ed to be a source of adver­tis­ing, solic­i­ta­tion or legal advice. The read­er should not rely on infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed in the site and this site is nei­ther designed for nor does it com­ple­ment or sub­sti­tute com­pe­tent advice of legal coun­sel in any way.

Restric­tions on Use of Mate­ri­als
Any and all infor­ma­tion, text, arti­cles, struc­ture, lay­out, mate­r­i­al or data base and oth­er com­pi­la­tions or any parts con­tained on this web­site and all intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights there­to are owned by KLERX-legal Recht­san­waelte. You must not to copy, repro­duce, repub­lish, trans­mit, mod­i­fy or dis­trib­ute any of the infor­ma­tion, text, arti­cles, pic­tures, struc­ture, lay­out, mate­r­i­al or data base and oth­er com­pi­la­tions or any parts there­of con­tained on this web­site, unless Dr. Oliv­er Klerx pro­vid­ed pri­or writ­ten approval.

Responsible Editor of this Website

Dr. Oliv­er Klerx, Sand­str. 33, D-80335 Munich, Ger­many

Copy­right: KLERX Recht­san­walts­ge­sellschaft mbH

Respon­si­ble Bar Asso­ci­a­tion
(“Rechtsanwaltskammer” RAK)

RAK Munich
Tal 33
D-80331 Munich
Phone: +49 89 532944–0
Fax: +49 89 532944–28

KLERX Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH